EU Partnership

Promoting social enterprise finance

In 2014 Impact Europe and the European Commission entered into a four-year Partnership Agreement to promote social enterprise finance. This partnership has since then been renewed twice (2018, 2022). Find out more on how we're strengthening the European impact ecosystem.

More cooperation, more social impact

In 2014, Impact Europe and the European Commission (DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion) entered into a four-year Partnership Agreement for the promotion of social enterprise finance. In 2018, the partnership was extended for four additional years. The Partnership was awarded under the Commission’s Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI), a programme fostering cooperation with pan-European networks. This Partnership recognises the role Impact Europe plays as a European network as a key payer in the impact ecosystem.

In 2022, the Partnership was renewed once again for another four years, under the “IMPULSE” programme (Investing for an Impactful European Social Economy). Impact Europe will continue to facilitate interactions between the impact community and policymakers, deliver strong capacity-building actions, collect and analyse sector data and develop strategic partnerships to gain synergies.


Under these partnerships with the European Commission, Impact Europe is undertaking a number of activities to strengthen the European impact ecosystem, through four main priorities:

  • Supporting the Commission in its outreach activities at European, national and local level;
  • Reinforcing the capacity of Impact Europe members, sharing good practices and raising awareness about relevant EU policies;
  • Voicing the concerns and expectations of organisations facilitating access to finance to provide input for policy design and implementation;
  • Provide data / research on developments in the field, which can serve as input for evidence-based policy making.

Have a look at our annual presentations of activities:

2014 – 2015 – 2016 – 2017 – 2018 – 2019 – 2020 – 2021 – 2022 2023