Social Economy Missions for Community Resilience – SMP-COSME-2021-RESILIENCE-SEM


A grant to boost transnational and cross-border cooperation among local administrations and local businesses to strengthen the social economy.

Main purpose: The EU seeks to co-fund projects which will build resilience and increase the capacity of regional or local public administrations, social economy actors, SMEs and civil society, to overcome difficulties and crises. The Single Market Programme will do this by means of funding transnational and inter-regional peer-learning and collaboration in the field of social economy, developing social economy local action plans with the cooperation of social economy stakeholders, and formulating recommendations to replicate projects in other parts of Europe.

Activities can be organised at both transnational and interregional level, and shall at least support:

  • The organisation of transnational Social Economy Missions that bring together regional or local administrations from different countries with similar social economy priorities and regional and local social economy stakeholders, to exchange learnings, establish partnerships, and develop innovative approaches.
  • The elaboration of local thematic social economy action plans based on the lessons learned from transnational cooperation and the above transnational Social Economy Missions. The action plans involve all stakeholders and function as a guideline to the development of local resilience.
  • The formulation of recommendations to other regions and local communities across Europe to replicate the success of the funded projects.

More information about this opportunity can be found here.

Programme: Single Market Programme

Institution: European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA)

Budget: EUR 2,000,000 (maximum EUR 200,000 per project)

Project duration: 12 or 18 or 24 months (extensions are possible, if duly justified and through an amendment).

Financing type: Action grant

Who is eligible: Both public and private sector entities are eligible. Applicants must apply in consortia (except if the applicant is a network organisation) of at least three regional or local public administrations from at least three different eligible countries, and at least one business related organisation such as a social enterprise. Moreover, the consortium must consist of at least four entities.

Financing Type:
Funding Theme:
Capacity Building
Target Geographies:
EU Member States
Associated countries