Focus on Blended Finance — Part 2
The second part of our 2-part episode on blended finance, featuring Debra Schwartz and Nadia Nikolova.
Debra Schwartz, Managing Director of Impact Investments at MacArthur Foundation, and Nadia Nikolova, Lead Portfolio Manager for Allianz Global Investors’ Impact and Development Credit, walk us through the main lessons learned when designing the SDG Loan Fund, its potential for replicability, and the additional impact it is expected to generate. Listen to the end to find out why it was worth it!
This episode is hosted by Clara Maspons and Gianluca Gaggiotti, respectively Impact Europe’s Knowledge Associate and Senior Knowledge Manager; the show is produced by Alon Shapiro and Nathan Ritholz.
For more information about the SDG Loan Fund, we invite you to visit Convergence and Catalytic Capital Consortium’s websites.